How to Have a Poker Face

Poker face is an important part of a poker game. It is said that you cannot bluff if your face shows your feelings. You can tell a lot from your face whether you are confident or not. So, if you want to be in a poker game then it is very important to control your face.

You can make it look like a poker face by practicing certain facial exercises. Let’s take a look at the different facial exercises that will help you to have a poker face.

1. Relaxing face

If you don’t want to show any emotion on your face then the best way to do this is to relax your face. You need to close your eyes and focus on your breathing for some time. If you feel any tension in your face, then it will be reflected in your face. So, by relaxing your face, you can show a poker face easily.

2. Clearing your face

The next thing you need to do is to clear your face. If you have any pimple on your face, then you need to remove it with the help of a facial cleanser. It will help to remove the dirt from your face and make it look clean.

3. Puffing cheeks

If you want to show a poker face then you need to puff up your cheeks. It will make your face look wide and attractive.

4. Closing your eyes

Closing your eyes will make your face look dull. So, to make it look bright you need to open your eyes. It will make your face look bright and lively.

5. Squinting eyes

If you want to make your eyes look big then you need to squint your eyes. It will make your eyes look bigger and attractive.


In conclusion, these are the different facial exercises that will help you to have a poker face. Try to practice these facial exercises on daily basis and you will get a perfect poker face.