Poker Position for Beginners

The first thing that comes to our mind when we think of the word poker is that it is a card game. But it is not only a card game but it is a strategic game played between two or more people. Poker is a game that has its own rules and strategies which help in winning the game.  

A poker player will be able to use their skills and knowledge to play the game in a better way. Some of the beginners don’t know what poker position is and how to play the game, so here are some tips that can help you in playing the game.

Poker position:

The basic position in a poker game is called the blinds, which means that you have to pay some money to the person who is going to play against you. The first hand is the big blind, which is the person who starts the game. He is also the first one to act in the game.    

The second person is called the small blind, and he also has to pay a certain amount of money to enter the game. The third person is called the big stack or button, and he is the last person to act in the game. He is also the winner of the game if he gets all the cards.

How to play the game:

The first thing that comes to your mind when you play poker is to bet everything you have. If you are playing in a high stakes game then it is better to bet your entire bankroll. But if you are playing in a low stake game then it is better to bet a small amount.

When you are playing poker, don’t show your cards in front of others. If you do so then you will be able to get more information about your opponent. So, keep your cards hidden and wait for your opponent to act first.


So, these are some basic poker position tips for beginners. I am sure that if you follow these tips then you will be able to play the game and win the game.